“Fast, cheap, or right—pick two.”
Before we get started: This article is about large, commercial cell signal amplifier systems; it’s not about weBoost’s excellent consumer kits for homes, or even the one-antenna WilsonPro 70 systems.
We’re going to be discussing installations of WilsonPro cellular passive DAS solutions in large buildings, with multiple floors, tens of thousands of square feet of signal coverage, and four or more inside broadcast antennas.
A fact of doing business
There&rsquo […]
8 facts about cell signal strength
Have you ever wondered why you have poor cell signal reception? What affects the cell signal strength in your home and office?
Read the facts about cell signal strength and learn:
What do the signal bars mean?
How is signal strength actually measured?
So what’s my actual cell signal strength?
Will cell signal strength fluctuate?
Physical barriers that block cell signals.
I can see the tower, but I have no signal.
Frequency and technology limitations.
Smartphone apps that […]
Why do the iPhone X and Samsung Note 8 drop calls?
You now have a new iPhone X or a Samsung Note 8, one of the newest marvels of modern technology. You waited patiently for the moment you could peel back the gorgeous packaging and lift your new device from its cradle to hold and cherish. Becoming the owner of the latest new smartphone is fun and exciting, and it’s something you look forward to every couple of years.
What’s not fun, not exciting, and not worth waiting for are the dropped calls your brand new iPhone X or Samsung Note […]
What’s the difference between an LPDA antenna and a Yagi antenna?
Figure 1: Radiation pattern of a directional antenna, in dB gain.
Figure 2: A rooftop TV antenna is a dipole antenna.
Figure 3: A 50-Ohm LPDA (top) and a 75-Ohm LPDA (bottom)
Figure 4: The dipoles on an LPDA antenna increase in width down the length of the boom, forming a triangular shape.
Figure 5: The dipoles on a Yagi antenna are the same (or nearly the same) width down the length of the boom.
This blog entry is going […]
Powerful Signal goes to the ends of the earth (literally) to deliver improved cell signal
Down in the Delta
The Mississippi River Delta(click to enlarge)Image: Wikimedia Commons
The mighty Mississippi River ends at the Gulf of Mexico in an enormous delta region, covering more than 4,000 square miles of barrier islands, marshes, swamps, and forests. In addition to oil drilling, shipping, and commercial fishing, this area provides access to waterfowl, rabbit, and deer hunting, along with boating, camping, recreational fishing, and nature study. The area’s riv […]
Custom solution: Engine parts manufacturer in Michigan (36,000 ft²)
A Michigan engine-parts manufacturer that produces high-performance parts for racing has two separate buildings, each with an office, warehouse, and manufacturing facilities. Both buildings are constructed of metal, which is very effective at blocking cellular signals and cutting off communication to anyone inside.
Powerful Signal designed a solution that included a separate 4G cell signal amplification system for each building. Both buildings had two floors, and contained offices an […]
Custom solution: Critical areas in Arizona hospital (88,800 ft²)
An Arizona hospital called on Powerful Signal to improve cellular connectivity in their facility. This hospital serves a population of more than 131,000 people with emergency services, a level-III trauma unit, cardiac facilities, and other critical spaces. There was little to no cellular connection within this modern facility; low-E glass, concrete, and steel building materials were blocking cell signals.
Powerful Signal worked with the hospital to determine the critical areas that n […]
Custom solution: Times Square New York City office (151,600 ft²)
One of the greatest challenges in today’s office environment is having perfectly acceptable outside cell signal that’s blocked from getting inside by steel, concrete, and low-e glass. The same materials that block heat (solar infrared energy) from entering your office building also block other longwave electromagnetic radiation, including frequencies used by cellular devices.
The result is that you can be carrying on a conversation just fine outside as you walk to work, b […]
Custom solution: Office for major international tire company in South Carolina (20,000 ft²)
A major international tire company that produces high performance tires needed better coverage in one of their office and manufacturing sites in South Carolina. The executives at this plant were referred to Powerful Signal by employees at another company location who had previously worked with Powerful Signal on a separate project.
The goal of this project was to cover the first-floor administrative offices in a two-story building. This building was constructed with concrete, and had […]
Just released: weBoost Drive Sleek 470135 cell signal booster
Strong cell signal in your car
Components of the new weBoost Sleek
weBoost Drive Sleek typical installation
Wilson Electronics, headquartered in St. George, Utah, just released their new in-vehicle cell phone signal booster that improves the cell signal in your car.
With the new Sleek, it’s “out with the old and in with the new.” The new weBoost Drive Sleek (470135) is a significant upgrade from the old Drive-S Sl […]